and Vomiting |
- increased levels of hormones
- changes in carbohydrate metabolism
- emotional factors and fatigue
- avoid odors or causative factors
- eat dry crackers or toast before arising in morning
- avoid greasy or highly seasoned foods
- take dry meals with fluids between meals
- drink carbonated beverages
Frequency |
- Pressure of uterus on bladder in both first and third trimester
- void when urge is felt
- increase fluid intake during the day
- decrease fluid intake only in the evening
Tenderness |
- increased levels of estrogen and progesterone
- wear well-fitting support bra
vaginal discharge |
- increased production of mucus due to increased levels of estrogen
- daily bathing, no douching, cotton panties
Nasal stuffiness and nose bleeds |
- sometimes a cool air vaporizer may help
Heartburn |
- increased levels of progesterone
- decreased movement in the intestines
- displacement of the stomach from the enlarged uterus
- eat small frequent meals
- may use low sodium antacids
- avoid overeating fatty and fried foods
- avoid lying down right after eating
Ankle Edema |
- prolonged standing or sitting decreased circulation in the legs
- elevate legs when sitting or resting
- avoid tight or restrictive clothes around the legs
Veins |
- decreased blood flow in legs
- hereditary factors, age and weight
- elevate legs frequently
- wear supportive hose
- avoid crossing legs at the knees
- standing for long periods of time
Hemorrhoids |
- constipation
- increased pressure on the rectum from the uterus and baby
- avoid constipation
- apply ice packs
- topical ointment such as tucks pads
- warm soaks
Constipation |
- pressure of uterus on large intestines
- iron supplements
- diet
- lack of exercise
- decreased fluids
- increase fluid intake
- fiber in diet
- exercise
- develop regular bowel habits
- use stool softener as directed by your doctor
Backache |
- increased curvature of the lower back as the uterus enlarges
- fatigue
- poor posture
- maintain proper posture
- practice pelvic tilt exercises
- avoid uncomfortable high-heeled shoes
- get enough rest
- use pillow to support your back while resting
Leg Cramps |
- imbalance of calcium/ phosphorus ratio
- increased pressure of uterus on nerves
- fatigue
- poor circulation to legs
- practice flexing the feet in order to stretch affected muscles
- eat balanced diet
- apply heat (warm not hot) to affected muscles
Faintness |
- change in blood pressure when changing positions
- standing for a long periods of time in one place
- anemia
- arise slowly from resting position
- avoid prolonged standing in warm or stuffy environments
- refer to physician for evaluation of blood counts
Breathing |
- decreased capacity of the lungs from pressure of the enlarging uterus on the diaphragm
- use proper posture when sitting and standing
- sleep propped up with pillows for relief if problem occurs at night